Ep 32 Dr. John Kaminski Penn State University

In this episode I finally get to sit down and have a chat with john. John is a good friend and was one of the first people I met through the use of social media back 10 years ago. He was instrumental in leading the way social media could be utilised for turf. Dr. Kaminski now serves as the Director of the Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program (2-Year Program) at Penn State. John continues his research which focuses on optimization of chemical and cultural management strategies for turfgrass diseases and weeds.

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Behind The Turf is our podcast for turf & landscape mangers. Our podcast brings you various topics from around the the turf world with interviews from leading university professors, current thoughts on topics effecting the industry as well as various interviews with prominent turf managers in Australia. The aim of the podcast is to educate as well as entertain. We hope you enjoy the listen.