Why changing your social media habits during lockdown makes sense for your mental health

BeautyMe with Charisse Kenion - A podcast by Charisse Kenion


In my latest #lockdown episode I talk to billing analyst, photographer and filmmaker Zainab Amina. Born in Nigeria, London-based Zainab shares how her daily routine has completely changed. We talk about why Zainab loves the process of putting on makeup as part of her morning routine, how she’s changed her social media habits – ‘Twitter is the devil!’ – and why she loves following the #dontrushchallenge hashtag on Instagram.

Follow Zainab on Instagram @zainabaminaaa and check out what I’m up to over at @beautymepodcast. Stay safe and sane and see you soon! Please do leave a review and let me know what you think about this extra lockdown content.

Products mentioned

The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution: https://www.asos.com/the-ordinary/the-ordinary-glycolic-acid-7-toning-solution/prd/8206150

The Ordinary Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG: https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/the-ordinary-caffeine-solution-5-egcg.html

Glycerine & Rosewater: https://www.boots.com/boots-traditional-glycerin-and-rosewater-200ml-10130117

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