UK Underground

Beats per minut - A podcast by Catalunya R�dio - Saturdays


Us paguem el bitllet d'avi� cap a Anglaterra, perqu� volem explorar les plataformes underground m�s potents i insubornables de l'escena brit�nica actual. Sigueu tots benvinguts al soterrani electr�nic del Regne Unit. "Techno save the Queen". 01 Overlook - "There was truth and there was untruth" 02 Simon Shreeve - "Sharada" 03 TSVI - "Labyrinth" 04 K-Lone - "Bluefin" 05 Overmono - "Quadraluv" 06 Soundbwoy Killah - "All night long" 07 Batu - "False reeds" 08 Snow featuring Dread MC - "Intensity" 09 An Avrin - "Pearce deers" 10 9Trane - "Boss"