La millor electr�nica del 2017

Beats per minut - A podcast by Catalunya R�dio - Saturdays


A l'�ltim "Beats per minut" del 2017 repassem el bo i millor de l'electr�nica. Una selecci� personal amb "la cr�me de la cr�me" de l'any. Els millors �lbums als vostres auriculars, perqu� tingueu present qui ha tallat el bacall� aquesta temporada. Us podeu imaginar un final de festa millor? 01 Brainwaltzera - "Day Aft8r (The Greyz)" 02 Bicep - "Opal" 03 Kelela - "Waitin'" 04 Forest Swords - "Raw language" 05 Jlin - "Never created, never destroyed" 06 Migos featuring Lil Uzi Vert - "Bad and boujee" 07 Blanck Mass - "Silent treatment" 08 Arca - "Reverie" 09 Call Super - "Ekko ink" 10 Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - "In the world but not of the world" 11 Fever Ray - "To the moon and back" 12 Mount Kimbie - "Audition" 13 Four Tet - "New energy" 14 DJ Python - "Yo ran (do)"