William Kikanae: The tree that turned into a school

As a member of the Maasai tribe, the lines of destiny were clearly drawn: he was to be a warrior. And indeed he was! As a warrior and leader of his community his toughest battle has been his fight to fulfill that dream. In this podcast we will get to know his story: the story of a school founded… in a tree! We’ll also learn about the foundations of the Maasai culture, and William's life in the Mara, a land of the here and now. We’ll hear of his deep reverence for the environment and the animal world, the projects of the women of his tribe, and so many other life lessons.

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El propósito de BBVA es 'Poner al alcance de todos las oportunidades de esta nueva era'. Y ese es el objetivo de 'Aprendemos juntos 2030': fomentar la educación a través de la sostenibilidad para ayudar a las personas a construir un futuro más verde e inclusivo. Somos el altavoz de mentes brillantes que con sus mensajes animan a luchar por un mundo mejor. Este proyecto cuenta con el reconocimiento de Naciones Unidas por su contribución a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).