With this podcast reveal, I am officially leaving and renouncing New Age and the dark, hijacked spiritual entities/occult tools.I DID NOT WANT TO RECORD THIS PODCAST. I was not the only one who wanted to prevent this information from reaching you. The attacks have been relentless. To a point where I could not sit down and press "record". My computer crashed right before I finished writing this.Warning: Do not listen to this podcast if you are not ready.In this podcast episode, I am answering the tough questions: Who is on the list of suspects (hijacked spiritual influencers and practices) and..."what about numerology, astrology and my beloved Joe Dispenza and his healing tools" :-( I am still learning and waking up to new levels of deception and darkness in the spiritual world and New Age. As I have mentioned before - since 2018 a LOT of conscious, spiritual people and healers have had a rude awakening to the dark, hijacked entities and agendas that have infested the spiritual world and twisted it to serve the darkness. All portals, channels, healing tools, and mediums have been attacked. From plant medicine to quantum healers. Who are you serving? Good or evil?There’s spiritual warfare happening in the astral realm and whether we want to see it or not, we are IN it. What side are you on?Your actions will determine that.One of the reasons why we are in the situation we are In worldwide is that we are docile and complacent. New Age and hijacked spiritual leaders have contributed to the massive passivity-programming.The demonic agenda is all about twisting and turning and depraving truth and destroying innocence. The demons always disguise themselves as “helpers”, “ healers” and “light”.New Age and New World OrderThe spiritual influencers are the Fauci's, the V producers, and the “fact-checkers” of this world.The good guys are really the bad guys and many of those calling out false light are still under the spell and practicing black magic without wanting to. Yes also those talking about Christ consciousness, The Law of One, Christos Sophia, 5D ascension and those who are following Nesara, Gesara, Simon Parkes, Charlie award, Sacha Stone, Robert David Steele. In my opinion. I was in a state of total shock when I realized this and most of the community that I leaned on when I rejected mainstream media, medicine, governments, and sick care are now turning their back because they have built their careers or spirituality around mediumship, channeling, plant medicine, moon worship, numerology, shamanism, metaphysical meditation, Christ consciousness, Christos Sophia, ascension glossary, angels and arc angels, ascended masters and light beings.I am not religious. I don’t belong to any dogma and church. But it’s ALL black magic, occult and possessed.Ressources, research.Michelle Manders left New Age after 20 years of practicing as a channel, astrology and working with ascended masters. Her knowledge and insights are incredible but triggering. Videos and research:THere are 3 ways we can start turning autism symptoms around together, whenever you're ready... 1. Send me a voice message and get my feedback on your most pressing struggles. 2. Check out the free video series "The 5 hidden messages behind autism symptoms" and find your child's unique triggers. 3. Work with me privatelyIf you’d like to work with me directly to turn as many symptoms around as possible in my Autism Turnaround Coaching and implementation group..send me an email with "coaching" in the subject line and tell me how old your child is. I’ll get you all the details.

Om Podcasten

The "pick me up" podcast for overwhelmed autism warrior moms who are looking to get their child and their life back. Done with wasting time & money on in-effective therapies, extreme autism diets, supplements, test and Biomed protocols? Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson turned her son's autism around in Nature.This podcast is where you find the holistic tools, mindset strategies, experts and success path she used to get him from stimming, sleepless nights, tantrums, chaos and no eye contact to a neurotypical life. Replace stress anxiety and fear with hope, peace and clarity and inner/spiritual guidance. Autism is a messenger. When we listen, change and return to nature - peace is restored. In our child and in our family. Autism