Flipping the Script with Sandy Lanes (interviewed by Lisa Plotkin)

Welcome to a new season of Awakened to Reggio. Our first episode will be a little different this season. Some of my listeners have suggested that I share about my journey with the approach. Today, the host becomes the guest. I am thrilled to have my friend, colleague and thinking partner, Lisa Plotkin, asking the questions, as I reveal how I became Awakened to Reggio. Thanks to Lisa and to all my listeners! Please be in touch with your questions and thoughts. sandylanesconsulting.com

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Educators around the world are studying the work of the Reggio Emilia preschools and infant-toddler centers. Their approach is rooted in a belief that children are capable citizens who are curious, full of knowledge, and interested in connecting to the world around them. Hosted by Sandy Lanes, this podcast is a series of conversations with remarkable people who are changing the landscape of early childhood education through the lens of the Reggio approach. For professional development and consulting, go to sandylanesconsulting.com Music composed and performed by the amazing Jack Gruber