Lisa Lind Dunbar: Bon appétit (ENG)

As Lisa Lind Dunbar began sharing stories of the experiences of abuse and toxicity in the work environment of the restaurant industry, hundreds of testimonies poured in from workers, who shared their experiences of violent and exploitative working conditions. Here, she gives her account of a life lived, as a part of the Danish food scene. Produced for ATLAS by Josefine Maria Hansen.

Om Podcasten

Fra nu af er det slut med at lade hverdagens små forhindringer, såsom cykelture og bumlende busrejser, forstyrre din nysgerrighed og behov for fordybelse. ATLAS oplæst er nemlig ATLAS' nye lydmagasin, der giver dig mulighed for at høre udvalgte artikler fra magasinet og arkivet, hvor end du befinder dig. Kurateret, præsenteret og indtalt af vært og tilrettelægger Josefine Maria Hansen. Artwork: Anna Rich. Podcasten er sponsoreret af Lån & Spar Bank.