9 - Morocco (1930)
At The Drive-In - A podcast by Tamira

"Morocco", the oldest movie I have talked about up to this point! And what a conflicting movie... couldn't tell if I was in awe or supremely disappointed. I guess a bit of both? Apologies for the more rambly structure of this episode, I suppose I wasn't quite ready to take on the challenge of speaking about concepts of gender in a coherent way but I sure gave it a go! There was also some more rambling than usual because this movie confused the hell out of me, if that doesn't become apparent by the end. If you aren't sure you want to listen to a rambly episode, I'll just say this: Marlene Dietrich. Enjoy!
Credit for theme:
Hot Swing by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3885-hot-swing/
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/