Capricorn Zodiac Sign & The Real Meaning of Astrology (Esoteric)

YouTube episode: The deeper understanding behind the mysteries of the Capricorn zodiac sign as taught by the Gnostic teachings. This time period of Capricorn calls us to explore the darkness with perseverance in our last push during the deep of winter before the light of spring. For this, we need to "throw away" useless parts of spirituality and keep only what is practical and relevant for our spiritual growth. 0:00 - The Real Meaning of the Zodiac! 11:22 - The Hidden Symbolism of Capricorn 21:52 - Esoteric Practice (Death Meditation) Resources: šŸ‘‰ Recommended Capricorn Lecture: šŸ‘‰ Three Factors of Awakening Consciousness: šŸ‘‰ What Is Gnosis? (See description!): šŸ‘‰ Death of Ego Guided Meditation: šŸ‘‰ Prometheus-Lucifer: šŸ‘‰ The End Times of the Kali Yuga: šŸ‘‰ Esoteric Zodiac Playlist (Series): šŸ‘‰ How Our Sun Travels Through The Milky Way Galaxy: Support Astral Doorway on Patreon & join the Discord group for live Q&As, early-access episodes, spiritual advice & more: šŸ’› If you enjoyed the video, please like, subscribe & share! #CapricornSign #Zodiac #CapricornZodiac

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