It's Better than the Movies | ACW102

Ask Christopher West - A podcast by Theology of the Body Institute - Mondays

Do you have any advice for coping with the idea of of friends having a baby outside of marriage? I want to show my love and fidelity to my wife and children but I keep falling into the sin of pornography use after struggling for 10 years. What do I do? Is the pleasure of the climax more in God's plan for men than for women? Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute President Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body. Want to support the Theology of the Body Institute? Become a Patron! Q1: I have Protestant friends who have been cohabitating during their engagement and recently announced they are pregnant. I have felt myself falling into the sin of judging them without kindness ever since. I hate feeling this judgement in myself, especially in reaction to the news of a new and Good life! Do you have any advice for coping with the idea of a new and good baby who is born outside of marriage? Q2: I live in Scotland UK, I’ve been following your podcast for sometime now and I am always amazed at how gentle and respectful you are to each other. It is inspiring and something which is missing in my marriage. I have been addicted to pornography from my teens. The only time I realized the seriousness of my sin was when I met my wife and the desire God put on my heart to be a good husband and good father to my children. I wanted to stop but 10 years later and I still fall back into this sin. I want to love my wife the way God has called me to, to be the hero in her life. I feel the heavy burden to make her feel loved and I know I can’t make her feel loved while I am choosing other women or images. Where do I start? Q3: Can you tell me why the pleasure of the climax seems more in God's plan for men than for women? It is necessary for procreation for men to have orgasm, but not for women. It is wonderful of men to be virtuous like JP2 said, and give pleasure to their wife, but why would God leave the pleasure of women to the virtue of men, and not vice versa? Resources mentioned this week: Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing Matt Fradd's Program: Strive 21 If you are in financial need and honestly cannot afford a book or resource recomended on this podcast, contact: [email protected] Find Christopher West on Facebook and Instagram. Discover the Theology of the Body Institute. If you enjoy the podcast, help us out by writing a review. Thanks for listening! Christopher and Wendy hope their advice is helpful to you, but they are not licensed counseling professionals. If you are dealing with serious issues, please consult our list of trusted professionals. Featuring music by Mike Mangione.

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