Does God Have a Plan for Our Bodies? | ACW138

Ask Christopher West - A podcast by Theology of the Body Institute - Mondays

How can NFP bring healing in marriage? What can I say in a short conversation to introduce people to TOB? Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute President Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body. Want to support the Theology of the Body Institute and have a better chance of us answering your question? Join our Patron Community! Patron Question: Christopher and Wendy, Thank you for all the work you put into this podcast. I always learn so much from you both and frequently recommend your show to others. I have returned to my faith within the last five years, and have a dark sexual past that I am still struggling to heal from. Thanks be to God, I was recently engaged to a wonderful, holy man that has shown me so much about the love of Christ in our relationship. Something that has brought me a lot of distress lately is trying to implement Natural Family Planning as my fiancé and I prepare for marriage. A lot of the responsibility of NFP falls on women since they are the ones tracking their fertility signs, and this greater amount of responsibility scares me and makes me feel resentful. It reminds of times where I had to take control of my fertility to protect myself from men who used and discarded me. I know my fiancé has the best intentions with our family life, but I am struggling to see how NFP can bring cohesion in marriage as I feel it creating confusion, isolation, and disconnection in my life based on m y past wounds. Question 2: I’m a new listener to your podcast and I am devouring it. I have been on a journey over the last four years trying to understand the churches teaching on sexuality and marriage after my oldest daughter announced to me that she was in love with a woman and is actively in a gay relationship. I finally found the courage last December to stand firm in front of my daughter and share with her my belief that sex is intended by God to be sacred conduct between a man and a woman in a marriage. It was the hardest conversation I’ve ever had in my life. Since then, I found that not all Catholics believe the Church’s teaching on marriage and chastity. What can I say in a short conversation to get these Catholics thinking? I feel I can’t remain silent on this beautiful teaching of the Church. I want all Catholics to understand it and see it for its beauty. Submit your question at Resources mentioned this week: View our COURSE SCHEDULE to register for a course, ONLINE or IN-PERSON! If you are in financial need and honestly cannot afford a book or resource recomended on this podcast, contact: [email protected] Find Christopher West on Facebook and Instagram. Discover the Theology of the Body Institute. If you enjoy the podcast, help us out by writing a review. Thanks for listening! Christopher and Wendy hope their advice is helpful to you, but they are not licensed counseling professionals. If you are dealing with serious issues, please consult our list of trusted professionals. Featuring music by Mike Mangione.

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