10. Y Wasgod Goch - Gwilym Bowen Rhys

October. One of the many welsh words for Halloween is 'ysbrydnos' which means 'ghost/spirit night'. The singer describes himself tossing and turning in bed - then all of a sudden the ghost of his late lover appears, and starts conjuring up a fancy suit that floats in the air in front of him that he is to wear to go bury her. Very spooky. Caneuon y Flwyddyn is an album of Welsh folk songs by Gwilym Bowen Rhys first compiled for the 2023 edition of As the Season Turns. Mastered for Ffern by Geoff Bird. Artwork by Gemma Koomen. © Gwilym Bowen Rhys.

Om Podcasten

'As the Season Turns' is a podcast created by Ffern (www.ffern.co) and presented by the nature writer Lia Leendertz. Each episode, released on the first of every month, is a guide to what to look out for in the month ahead - from the sky above to the land below. Ffern is a natural fragrance maker based in Somerset. Working with the rhythms of the seasons, they blend, barrel-age and bottle four fragrances a year, released at the equinox and solstice. Each fragrance is made to order for the names on the Ffern production ledger. To join the ledger and find out more visit www.ffern.co