317. Mural Magic with Pamela Kellough [Replay]
Artist Academy - A podcast by Andrea Ehrhardt - Mondays

This week for a special May Mural Month episode I decided to bring back an interview from 3 years ago with muralist Pamela Kellough. I remember this being one of my most favorite interviews from 2021. Pamela has such a warmth about her which made talking with her such a delight. She is almost 70 now and still muraling. If anyone has ever tried painting large scale for any amount of time, you’ll quickly realize what a physical workout it is. Between being on your feet to unloading gallons of paint and climbing on ladders or even up into a lift. It’s tough on the body, which makes me even more impressed that Pamela is doing it with a smile on her face. This lets me know that I’ll be doing it until I’m nearing 70 as well! Pamela has a very old-school way of working. There’s no iPad for sketches or Facetiming to see the site. She has a sketchbook and does in-person site inspections. I’ll let her explain the benefits of those methods, but it just goes to show that you don’t need to be techy with the latest tech trends to complete projects in a timely manner. Also, wait until you hear how much Pamela makes vs how much she works. Talk about a motivator to start painting on a large scale. She’s such a boss babe and I’m honored to have had her on the podcast. The quality of the audio on this interview is not as good as the interviews I do nowadays, so please excuse and look past that onto the actual content. Pamela has so much advice to give with a lifelong mural career backing her. Let me know what you think of this week’s interview with Pamela Kellough. Mural Pricing Training: www.artistacademy.co/pricingguide Mural Supply List: www.artistacademy.co/supply Join us for a Mural Meetup: www.artistacademy.co/meetup