304. High Production Sales, Ceramics, & No Bull$h!t Video Tips with Curt Hammerly
Artist Academy - A podcast by Andrea Ehrhardt
This week’s episode features sculptor/ceramicist Curt Hammerly. Curt sold and shipped over 5,000 pieces of work this past year at about $100 per item. You do the math, but this dude has the credibility to be giving us all advice on growing a social media following and making sales. With over 350,000 followers on Instagram, it’s best to listen when he gives tips on audience growth. Lucky for you, he gives plenty of no-bullshit advice in our hour long convo. He also drops the F bomb several times, which I appreciate because things like that help the conversation to not be so stiff. It’s basically putting an emphasis on his point but if you have little ears nearby maybe just use headphones. Curt sheds some light on the idea that not everyone who has the artistic eye should be a full-time artist. I love the honesty and his reasoning behind this which you’ll hear shortly. He’s right. With making art for a living come so many other things like marketing or social media or whatever you need to do to sell the art you create. If those things are continually giving you a headache, maybe taking on a “real” job is best. Listen to this week’s episode to hear if those points apply to you. I think you’ll like Curt’s very real advice on what it takes to create for a living and grow your creative business to new heights!