IMMERSION: Pizza Farms, Fish Boils and Sacred Corn: Here’s to Those Who Wisconsin

Armchair Explorer: Travel and Adventure Inspiration - A podcast by Armchair Productions


“The thing about eating a meal with people is it breaks down barriers … But then beer elevates that to the magic of the intoxication of a shared experience. That is why beer and pizza go well together - the primal solving of the human conflict problem and the primal mysticism, paired perfectly.” – Tony Schultz, Stoney Acres Farm Here’s to those who Wisconsin … that’s what they say in this part of the world.  Because traveling here is not so much about exploring a place as discovering a mindset.  In this two-part documentary series, recorded on location, we’ll be searching for that Wisconsin state of mind. Today we’ll be looking for it through the lens of its food. But this episode is as much about community and culture as it is eating well. They say we are what we eat, and if that’s true then tracing the history of food also tells the story of a place, and its people. We’ll be throwing kerosene on bubbling cauldrons, figuring out how to use a traditional Oneida corn pounder, and meeting the organic farmers who have marinara in their blood. I hope you’re hungry because dinner is about to be served. This episode was recorded on location during a weeklong road trip through the state. We hope you enjoy our journey, and if it inspires you to take one of your own – you can. All our on-location documentaries are designed to be trips that you can repeat exactly as we did it – or just pick the stuff you love. Go to to find out more. Thank you to our guests: Kirby Metoxen, council member of the Oneida Nation Lea Zeise from the Oneida Emergency Food Pantry Becky Webster from Ukwakhwa Farm  Jeremy ‘torch’ Klaubauf at the Old Post Office Restaurant in Ephraim and Tony Shultz, and the whole crew, at Stoney Acres Farm This episode was produced by Armchair Productions, the audio experts for the travel industry. Find our other shows at Aaron Millar, wrote and presented the episode, and produced it with Jason Paton. Brian Thacker led our pre-production. Ally Nisbet did the field recording. And Charles Tyrie did the audio production and sound design. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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