Following in the Treads of the 1897 All Black Bicycle Corp with Erick Cedeño

Armchair Explorer: Travel and Adventure Inspiration - A podcast by Armchair Productions


“Those are my heroes, those guys paved the way for me to be able to travel through this country, free, and they're almost superhuman to me.”         - Erick Cedeño, Bicycle Nomad In 2013, Erick Cedeño, aka. Bicycle Nomad, came across an old photograph that changed his life. Taken in 1897, it showed 20 black soldiers riding bicycles across the American West. As he dug deeper, he learned that these were the Buffalo Soldiers, an all-black infantry regiment formed after the civil war. The photo was taken during a grueling 1,900-mile journey, in which they traveled by bike from Montana to Missouri in order to test the efficacy of the bicycle as a form of military transport. To this day, it is one of the most difficult bike trips ever undertaken.   As a black man, growing up in America, Erick had never seen people that looked like him riding bikes. It changed his life, and he knew he had to bring their story back to life. But he did it not by telling it, but by living it - pedaling every mile that they did, sleeping where they slept, eating where they ate, taking the hard roads where modern paved highways do not go. And in doing so he invites us to live it too. “Curiosity drives me. It fuels my insatiable desire to know what’s beyond the next bend of the road, to discover what’s there beyond the edges of the map. If it is my muscles that propel me forward physically, it is curiosity that propels me mentally.” FIND ERICK CEDEÑO Follow all Erick’s adventures at, Instagram: @bicycle_nomad, and Facebook:@bicyclenomad SOCIAL If you enjoy this show, please take a minute to leave a review, it makes a huge difference and enables us to keep brining these stories to you. Remember also to subscribe to the podcast wherever you're listening, follow @armchairexplorerpodcast on Instagram and Facebook, check out Armchair Explorer's website, and learn more about our network partner, APT Podcast Studios, on their website. CREDITS This episode was produced by Armchair Productions. Find our other shows at Jenny Allison wrote and produced this episode, along with host and producer Aaron Millar. Charles Tyrie did the audio editing and sound design. Theme music written by the artist Sweet Chap. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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