The Poems of Imru’al-Qays

Imru' al-Qays, was known as the wandering king, because he spent his life seeking revenge, and the re-establishment of his father's lost kingdom. He is sometimes referred to as the father of Arabic poetry, because he established many of the conventions and themes in Arabic poetry - which the poets after him followed. However, he wasn't always concerned about power and vengeance. He spent his youth as a 'playboy', chasing women and drinking. What made him special is his way with words. He puts his experiences, emotions and pain into his mesmerizing poetry.

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Experience the captivating world of Arabic poetry and literature. The Arabic Qahwa podcast is an effort to present the gems of Arabic literature in an accessible manner to English speakers, and students of the Arabic language. Join us as we translate and explain beautiful Arabic poetry, and relate the legends and stories surrounding it. Experience the world of the Arabs as never before.