Reflections on Al-Ilbiri with Moustafa Elqabbany (Translator and Poet)

In this awesome episode with ustad Moustafa Elqabbany, professional translator and poet, we reflect on some amazing lines from the poem of Al-Ilbiri. Find out how this poem can really hit you hard, if you comprehend its meanings. Resources and books: موصل الطلاب إلى قواعد الإعراب لخالد الأزهري The Routledge Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature

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Experience the captivating world of Arabic poetry and literature. The Arabic Qahwa podcast is an effort to present the gems of Arabic literature in an accessible manner to English speakers, and students of the Arabic language. Join us as we translate and explain beautiful Arabic poetry, and relate the legends and stories surrounding it. Experience the world of the Arabs as never before.