Untangling Art in Dementia Care with Katya De Luisa

AlzAuthors: Untangling Alzheimer's & Dementia - A podcast by AlzAuthors Featured on The Whole Care Network - Tuesdays

Katya De Luisa is an artist, expressive arts program designer, freelance writer, and author with 20 years’ experience working with those living with dementia and their families. She firmly believes that when we change the way we look at something what we look at changes. Katya’s experience working in long-term care facilities as both a caregiver and as an art director has given her a wealth of insight into the dementia diseases, family dynamics, communication, miscommunication, and more. Her passion is communicating with people in late-stage disease using the visual arts, collage in particular. She believes that no matter how advanced a person’s dementia may be there is still a person inside who is reachable if we use the right tools and methods. She is the founder and director of the non-profit The Infinite Mind Dementia Project in Costa Rica, and the author of the book Journey Through the Infinite Mind: The Science and Spirituality of Dementia. In this episode overflowing with practical advice and much to think about, we discuss how to connect with those who have dementia, why we should “move into the now,” tips on how to evaluate a nursing home, and why dementia instills such paralyzing fear in all of us, as individuals and as societies.  Read Katya’s AlzAuthors Post: https://alzauthors.com/2021/02/02/katya-de-luisa-alzheimers/ Start reading Journey through the Infinite Mind: The Science and Spirituality of Dementia now! https://amzn.to/3nB6zcC Note: We are an Amazon Associate and may receive a small commission from book sales. Connect with Katya De Luisa Website: https://www.theinfinitemind.org Blog: https://www.theinfinitemind.org/category/katyas-blog/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katya.deluisa.37 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheInfiniteMin1 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katya-de-luisa-5a789319/ Info on MP3 players for those with dementia: The Purple Angel (UK): https://purpleangel-global.com/mp3-players/ About the Podcast AlzAuthors is the global community of authors writing about Alzheimer’s and dementia from personal experience to light the way for others. Our podcast introduces you to our authors who share their stories and insights to provide knowledge, comfort, and support. Please subscribe so you don’t miss a word. If our authors’ stories move you, please leave a review. And don’t forget to share our podcast with family and friends on their own dementia journeys. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization totally reliant on donations to do what we do. Your generosity will help cover our many operating costs, which include website hosting and maintenance fees, service charges to keep things running smoothly, and marketing expenses to promote our authors, expand our content, improve our reach, and more. Our ongoing work supports our mission to lift the silence and stigma of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. To sustain our efforts please donate here. Ideas and opinions expressed in this podcast belong to the speakers and not AlzAuthors. Always consult your healthcare provider and legal and financial consultants for advice on any of the topics covered here. Thanks for listening. We are a Whole Care Network Featured Podcast Proud to be on The Health Podcast Network Find us on The World Podcast Network and babyboomer.org Want to be on the podcast? Here’s what you need to know Shop our Store Join our book club

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