We're Outta Here Part 1

It’s the end of the season, almost, and it’s a clip show! How dare they end the season with not just a clip show made up of old clips, not original ones like Bedtime Stories or Rites of Spring. Oh no, it’s a TWO PARTER! Now that’s just rude. But it’s fun to revisit some of the best times from the past 4 seasons. Even if it’s just clips will we have a great time, of course! So let’s get to dancing, praying and showbiz chickens in part one of We’re Outta Here!!

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Walking the listener through the synopsis of each Golden Girls episode, Alisha and her personal 'Coco' touch on the pop culture references, the 'oh boys' of jokes that didn't age well and 'plot whoopsies'. There will even be special guests to discuss the topics from the show, showing us why the Golden Girls are so beloved to this day.