The Accurate Conception

When Blanche and her daughter Rebecca 2.0 have a visit, it seems they’ve made that awkward transition from child/parent relationship to parent, child, adult friend relationship. That is until Rebecca announces she’s made a major life decision that rubs Blanche the wrong way. As the days go on, Rebecca hopes her mother can be open enough to accept her choices, but it won’t be that easy. So join us as we visit a sperm bank, talk about long rubber gloves, and scream for the governess in The Accurate Conception.

Om Podcasten

Walking the listener through the synopsis of each Golden Girls episode, Alisha and her personal 'Coco' touch on the pop culture references, the 'oh boys' of jokes that didn't age well and 'plot whoopsies'. There will even be special guests to discuss the topics from the show, showing us why the Golden Girls are so beloved to this day.