Rites Of Spring

When the girls realize it’s almost time for their friend’s summer kickoff party, they then also realize they need to get into shape for said party. As they sit around the table commiserating, they try to come up with new ways of losing weight quickly by revisiting other attempts they’ve made at improving their appearance in the past. So join us as we join the girls as they give aerobics a try, seek self-esteem with a new hairdo, and reject a new way of thinking- brought to them by Stan. Will the girls lose the few pounds they feel they need to? Will Sophia find her missing pound? Will we, as a culture, ever stop valuing ourselves based on our appearance? All of that and more in today’s episode, Rites of Spring.

Om Podcasten

Walking the listener through the synopsis of each Golden Girls episode, Alisha and her personal 'Coco' touch on the pop culture references, the 'oh boys' of jokes that didn't age well and 'plot whoopsies'. There will even be special guests to discuss the topics from the show, showing us why the Golden Girls are so beloved to this day.