200: our 200th episode!

howdy to only our loyalest pod description readers. sucks to not be watching on youtube right now because we are wearing silly little hats. how come, you ask?? why, to celebrate doing TWO HUNDRED of these bad boys! this episode has it all. it goes on too long, we don't really get to many questions, we complain about social media at the end. can you say trifecta? we also spend way too long Trying to remembering all of the Guys, and show off the original brainstorming whiteboard for this very cast of ours. cute!

Om Podcasten

all the space in between is a weekly podcast hosted by mitch welling and billie blossom, where they answer all your slimy little questions and dive into your particular predicaments. sometimes they’ll give earnest advice, sometimes they’ll just laugh at you. it’s a gamble with this podcast, baby!