Java EE, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile and the Big Bang podcast with adam bien - A podcast by Adam Bien


An conversation with Kevin Sutter (@kwsutter) about: C64 for gaming - Datasette included with 16, how to break in and modify the code, the high school teletype course in Basic on serious machines in Austin Minnesota, applied math in high school, compute science degree in Pascal at the University of Wisconsin, working for Sperry and the merger with Burroughs, information and systems and Unisys, writing code in Pascal-like language, writing chip-design simulators in Alabama, the best software engineering project award, SOM and DSOM, (not ISAM) IBM buys Transarc, from Transarc to WebSphere, the "bring up lab" - the early CI / CD, the performance boost of JDK 1.1.8, the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) for JDBC and JMS around 2000, working on caching, data grid, object grid, and eXtreme Scale with Billy Newport, WebSphere eXtreme Scale and "Eventual Consistency", leading the JPA spec and the first opensource interaction around 2005, BEA donates kodo to apache which became openJPA, the convenient way to become a committer, Java is nicer than C++, IBM buys Gluecode - the company which provides commercial support for the Geronimo Application Server, David Blevins worked on openEJB at the same time, becoming a Java EE architect for WebSphere product in 2013, the development with OpenLiberty is more fun, IBM moves to EclipseLink but still supports openJPA, Microprofile involvement, Microprofile became immediately popular, Ian Robinson and Mark Little met at Devoxx UK and started the initial conversation about MicroProfile in 2016, MicroProfile 1.0 started with JSON-P, CDI and JAX-RS APIs from Java EE, Oracle proposes the opensourcing of Java EE, the meeting with Oracle in London to talk about opensourcing Java EE, behind the scenes of the Big Bang "javax" migration to "jakarta", the relation between the steering committee and the platform group, the relation between Jakarta EE and MicroProfile, the advantages of keeping Jakarta EE and MicroProfile separate, became opentelemetry which affects MicroProfile distributed tracing, MicroProfile iterates faster than Jakarta EE, from to, SOAP deprecation, openJPA started from a project named KODO, the openliberty guides, and,, Jakarta EE Blogs Kevin Sutter on twitter: @kwsutter and github:

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