#254 // Dystopian Travel Rep

It's Valentine's Day and a trip to a posh restaurant has left me with a flare-up of Imposter Syndrome. Meanwhile David Cameron gets a welcome greeting in the USA. Also: the UK Govt are seeking to employ Influencers to make videos to tell Refugees not to come here. Here are some links i really hope you click: Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

Om Podcasten

My name is Aid. I used to do Standup. Then I had two kids. The End. Between parenthood and the pandemic, I'm finding pretty much the only way to have a social interaction with people is to literally *book in a conversation with them* (and market it as a podcast). Every guest is going to be real upset when they realise I'm not even recording them, i'm just incredibly lonely.