Urgent Care Required: The State of Healthcare Cybersecurity

At a time when breaches make headlines daily, the healthcare sector is among the most popular adversary targets. Cyberattacks against healthcare organizations have spiked in recent years, disrupting patient care, jeopardizing safety and privacy, and obstructing compliance with industry regulations. In this episode, Cristian is joined by Dennis Egan, director of healthcare services for CrowdStrike, and Drex DeFord, executive healthcare strategist at CrowdStrike, to discuss the impact of cyber threats against healthcare, challenges we see in the space, the urgent need for healthcare providers to strengthen their security and the steps they should take to defend against modern attacks. Discover the targeting healthcare: AQUATIC PANDA: https://www.crowdstrike.com/adversaries/aquatic-panda/ LABYRINTH CHOLLIMA: https://www.crowdstrike.com/adversaries/labyrinth-chollima/ Learn more about the cybersecurity issues Healthcare experiences: https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/healthcare-experiences-cybersecurity-emergencies/

Om Podcasten

Modern adversaries are relentless. Today’s threat actors target organizations around the world with sophisticated cyberattacks. Who are they? What are they after? And most importantly, how can you defend against them? Welcome to the Adversary Universe podcast, where CrowdStrike answers all of these questions — and more. Join our hosts, a pioneer in adversary intelligence and a specialist in cybersecurity technology, as they unmask the threat actors targeting your organization.