30 | Best of 2021: How to Get More Local Followers on Your Instagram Account

Hey there, you're listening to the best of 2021. I’ve compiled some of the top episodes and I’m bringing them back. Whether you missed them the first time around, or you heard them and you need to hear them again, these are the most downloaded episodes for a reason. Enjoy.Do you ever feel like your only followers on Instagram are your mom, your friends from acupuncture school, or people from the other side of the country?In other words, people who are unlikely to become paying patients?If this is you, you’re not alone! I hear this ALL THE TIME from  my students.There are many ways to get your Instagram account in front of real people in your community and get them to decide to follow you.Today we’re talking about seven ways you can do just that.And remember: Getting more followers is NOT a vanity metric. It’s not about the number. It’s about getting in front of new local people so you have the opportunity to teach them about acupuncture and how much it can help them.The more followers you have, the more people you can reach with your message, and the wider pool of potential patients you have. It’s that simple.Let’s get into the episode and talk about these seven simple and effective methods!Show Notes:– Free Workbook: How to Optimize Your Instagram Bio for More Acupuncture Patients– Instagram Marketing for Acupuncturists online courseSupport the showCurious about Acupuncture Marketing School, the online course for marketing beginners? Join me inside! Click here to learn more.

Om Podcasten

Ready to build a thriving, meaningful business? Learn how to market your acupuncture practice with confidence, serve more patients, and increase your income. Hosted by Michelle Grasek, practicing acupuncturist and marketing coach, this podcast delivers practical marketing ideas to help you increase your visibility in your community and change more lives with the incredible power of acupuncture. Visit michellegrasek.com for free marketing checklists and workbooks, and follow Michelle on Instagram @michellegrasek for even more marketing insights and ideas.