The AI Toys Coming for Your Kids

On this week’s episode, award-winning Washington Post writer Alyssa Rosenberg reports live from New York City on Toy Fair and all the hot AI trends coming to kids’ toys. And then Alyssa, Sonny Bunch (The Bulwark), and Peter Suderman (Reason) discuss the AI-loving sci-fi original, The Creator. Spoiler alert: we talk about the things that happen in the movie, including some stuff near the end! If you haven’t seen it and want to and are worried about that sort of thing, listen to the show in a couple of days! Make sure to swing back to Bulwark+ on Friday for our bonus episode on robot movies and the decline of original sci-fi features. And if you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend!

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Here’s the elevator pitch: It’s “Left, Right, and Center” meets “Siskel and Ebert.” Three friends from different ideological perspectives discuss the movies and controversies (or nontroversies!) swirling around them. Bulwark+ members enjoy weekly bonus episodes here ( .