387: It Might Not Be as Cool as You Think
Accidental Tech Podcast - A podcast by Marco Arment, Casey Liss, John Siracusa

- ATP Membership Update!
Please consider joining, but we’re still cool if you don’t. 💙- Bootleg feed is live!! Some details:
- We may @$*&%ng swear
- No ads, chapters, or audio quality
- Show notes appear for each bootleg once the episode is published
- Bootleg feed is live!! Some details:
- Pre-show:
- Is FaceID working better with 😷?
- Beta stability
- Follow-up:
- 🚨 ATP Mugs are not dishwasher safe! 🚨
- USB4 vs. Thunderbolt 4
- ARM Mac rumors
- An iPad Pro is an ARM Mac, right?
- Casey’s nameLiss computers (ugh. –ed.)
- Casey’s defense of Big Sur’s look-and-feel
- What is up with Intel, anyway? (via Steve Lederer)
- Could one replace an actual computer with an iPad/iPhone, particularly for relatives?
- What on earth is up with the grille on the new 4 series?! (via Gavan Shanley)
- Post-show: 2021 Ford Bronco
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