Episode #332: I’m Really Burned Out In Private Practice. How Can I Fix This?

Feeling exhausted in your practice & don't have an agency to blame? In today's Ask Allison episode of the podcast, Allison shares her two cents on how to beat burn out. Sponsored by: TherapyNotes™ To learn about the Abundance Party & to check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit www.abundanceparty.com/free.

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I want you to quit your agency job, & start your life! Stop circling the drain in agencies & have more free time, income, & freedom in private practice. In this podcast, we answer your private practice questions & work through the places that most therapists get stuck. In the Abundance Party, my membership program, I take you through step by step. I'll show you how to work half the hours, make 3x the income, & see the clients you do great work with. ✨ Head to www.abundanceparty.com to learn more. 📝 Get our free private practice checklist, worksheets, & more at www.abundancepracticebuilding.com ❤️ Need more help getting started? Please email our team [email protected] for further support.