#71 - Integrated Learning Experiences with Dylan Scanlon

This week we are joined by Dylan Scanlon from the University of Limerick. Dylan Scanlon is a PhD researcher in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Limerick. Dylan’s research interests include physical education curriculum and assessment, teaching and learning in physical education teacher education, and sociology. Dylan talks to us today about the work he has carried out on integrated learning experiences within examinable physical education.

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The vision of 'A Wee Bit of Everything' is to Inspire, Teach and Entertain (ITE): 1. Inspire: to inspire our audience to be the best versions of themselves. 2. Teach: to allow teaching professionals to test the discussed concepts, strategies and insights within their practice. 3. Entertain: go on, immerse yourself in the stories told by others, with a wee bit of Scottish patter along the way!