Walk Me Home by Camellia Yang

A Paradise of Poems - A podcast by Camellia Yang


Eighty-four thousand thoughts and ideas, Landscape transformation in the  whirligig of time, Everything is evolving and decaying in front of my eyes. ​ Vivid Colours dancing along with the music of nature, Van Gogh’s painting in a tangible form. Infinite fractals emerging and disappearing like the Mandelbrot set and Mandala of Sanskrit. Ram Dass’s message comes into my mind, “We’re all just walking each other home”. We are nameless and formless, We are a pixel and we are a Buddha, We’re loved just for being who we are, just for existing. ​ Let’s accept ourselves and others in full, Try not to control, try not to force,  try to surrender to the power of the universe. Time and space are an illusion. The reality doesn’t seem like what we see. To see beauty, use our heart, not our eyes. Feel, and we shall know. Seek, and we shall find. ​ I rise above the earth and travel through abstract concepts and patterns. A snap of the finger is the moment of eternity. I could have lived forever in that dazzling and wonderful dream, But your sweet smile pulls me back to the material world. ​ Remember, remember, Life is the eighth wonder. When we genuinely want something, The whole universe is always on our side. 八万四千念,数亿年的沧海桑田在眼前流转变幻。 颜色和音乐都有了形态,完美的几何图形不断闪现。 是曼德布洛特复数集合,是佛家梵语的曼陀罗,是梵高笔下艳丽的色彩和流动的图案。 拉姆·达斯告诉我,「人生在世,就是帮助彼此回家」。 每个人都无名无状,是粒子也是佛祖,是形状也是颜色。 我们在这体验爱,散播爱,只要存在着就值得被爱。 无需鞭笞自己不断提升,全然接受自我,不再与生活抗衡。 不去强求人生的轨迹,臣服于宇宙的力量,享受生命这场奇迹。 在广袤的未解之谜中,活着就是终极意义。 我摆脱了思维的限制,在抽象的时空中穿行, 弹指一挥间,刹那即永恒。 炫彩美妙的世界中,突然闪现出你灿烂的笑容, 把我拉回到所谓的现实当中,把学到的一切用来普度众生。 感觉,你就会知晓, 寻找,你就会发现。 整个宇宙是你最好的帮手, 帮助你实现所有的一切。

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