Meditation by Qi Kaimin (English and Chinese)
A Paradise of Poems - A podcast by Camellia Yang

The light of the day is gone without a trace, Wealth and fame are like clouds passing by. I am a simple person living a life outside of the material world, And I have studied Zen from the journey within. Yin and Yang harmonise and purify my emotions, Moving and meditating cultivated my mind. The essence of the spirit is my inner guard, The universe and I unified in one. 《静坐吟》 作者:祁开敏 流光荏苒去无踪,富贵如云过眼空。 淡泊生涯游物外,超然世俗学禅宗。 阴阳和化情缘净,动静参修性意通。 精气相乘神内守,天人合一九霄中。 My grandpa left a poem to my family before he died in 2009. He was a lifelong learner and independent thinker with intellectual curiosity on many subjects. Although he went through numerous ups and downs in his lifetime, he chose to have an innocent heart with a peaceful mind. I hope one day I could reach the same level as what he called oneness between me and the universe.