Football by chatGPT (in Winston Churchill's style)
A Paradise of Poems - A podcast by Camellia Yang

Football, the beautiful game, A source of passion and of shame, A battle on the pitch of life, Where heroes rise and villains thrive. With leather ball and studded boots, We chase and kick and score and hoot, A symphony of cheers and groans, As players clash and tackles flown. For ninety minutes and beyond, We fight for every inch of ground, A contest of both mind and might, Where victory is our sole delight. So let us play with all our heart, And never from the game depart, For football is a noble art, A test of strength, a test of spirit. So let the whistle blow, my friends, And let the match begin, For football is a game that never ends, A source of joy and sorrow and sin. p.s. this is an experiment with chatGPT read by @camelliayang