S4 Episode 7 - The Internet Commission Part 2

A New Digital Responsibility - A podcast by Rob Price


In conversation with Ioanna Noula, Co-founder and Head of Research at the Internet Commission. We talked to Jonny Shipp in S1E12 of the podcast about the publication of the first Accountability Report, and this conversation with Ioanna looks at their work on Digital Responsibility a year on. With the introduction of the Digital Services Act (DSA) in Europe, and the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk, there is much happening in big tech and social media that might challenge the status quo. We talk to Ioanna about the report, about the changes over the year, and what she believes will happen next in this quest for minimising harms in the fast changing online world. 

Check out Ioanna's blog that accompanies this episode here 

LinkedIn:      Ioanna Noula

Website:       https://inetco.org

For more information on #CDR and #DigitalResponsibility check out http://corporatedigitalresponsibility.net

LinkedIn:      Rob Price

Facebook:    CDR

Twitter:        @the_Digital_COO

Instagram:    the_digital_coo

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