S4 Episode 4 - Identity Valley and the Digital Responsibility Goals

A New Digital Responsibility - A podcast by Rob Price


In conversation with Jutta Juliane Meier, Founder & CEO and Kai Hermsen, co-CEO of Identity Valley in Germany. They have been collaborating with a number of experts across Europe to create the proposed Digital Responsibility Goals, intended as supplemental to the UN SDGs. 

You can see their work here https://identityvalley.org/en/ 

And join the launch of the DRGs at this event (in English) https://www.eco.de/event/digital-responsibility-digitale-verantwortung-the-european-way-der-europaeische-weg/

LinkedIn:      Jutta Meier and Kai Hermsen

For more information on #CDR and #DigitalResponsibility check out http://corporatedigitalresponsibility.net

LinkedIn:      Rob Price

Facebook:    CDR

Twitter:        @the_Digital_COO

Instagram:    the_digital_coo

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