S2 Episode 8 - The Digital Poverty Alliance

A New Digital Responsibility - A podcast by Rob Price


In conversation with Paul Finnis, CEO The Learning Foundation and the Digital Poverty Alliance and Andrea Ravnik, Head of Amazon in the Community, UK. Paul leads the DPA, working with a range of organisations to help ensure that the impact of Digital Poverty is minimised in the UK, and more children and parts of the community who are not connected, empowered and inspired are able to play an active part in the Digital Economy. Andrea is the Amazon lead for their work in the Community in the UK and plays an active role in the DPA.

The work of the DPA - illustrated by their vision, mission and 'what we do' below - is clearly aligned to the Second and Third Principle of the International CDR Manifesto and, like the CDR movement, is referenced in the recently launched UN EP backed CODES Global Action Plan for Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age. 

Our vision.

To live in a world which enables everyone to access the life changing benefits that digital brings.

Our mission.

To end digital poverty once and for all by 2030

What we do…

We convene, compel and inspire collaboration for the UK & global community to lead sustainable action against digital poverty

LinkedIn:      Paul Finnis and Andrea Ravnik

Website:       https://digitalpovertyalliance.org

For more information on #CDR and #DigitalResponsibility check out http://corporatedigitalresponsibility.net

LinkedIn:      Rob Price

Facebook:    CDR

Twitter:        @the_Digital_COO

Instagram:    the_digital_coo

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