09/24/2023: Care Court, Bankrolling the War, Hanging On

Cecilia Vega reports from California on Governor Gavin Newsom's CARE Court - a bold, new strategy set to revolutionize the state’s approach to homelessness and the mentally ill with court-ordered treatment plans. Vega interviews Gov. Newsom on his passion project, investigates the broken system it hopes to mend and looks at the controversy surrounding it. As Congress considers financing another $20 billion in aid to Ukraine, Holly Williams reports on the impact and oversight of U.S. tax dollars in the country as it fights to survive. Sharyn Alfonsi reports from Costa Rica on sloths and their superpower of slowing down. Alfonsi examines how these mammals have mastered the art of survival for more than 60 million years and the new threats of climate change to the species. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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