#67 香港名媛遭狠心前夫家肢解烹尸

🔪🩸I'm sorry for not posting any new podcasts last week due to some personal issues in my life. Please forgive me. Today's news is related to homicide resulting from passion and has shocked China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even been reported by The New York Times. As this news is related to murder, please do not listen if you are afraid of violent or bloody content.   🔪🩸對不起,之前因為我的生活一些狀況,所以上星期都沒放新的Podcast,請大家原諒。 今天介紹的新聞,跟情殺有關。震驚了中港台,甚至連紐約時報也報導的新聞。這則新聞因為跟謀殺有關,所以如果害怕暴力、血腥的內容,請不要聽。   🔪🩸对不起,之前因为我的生活一些状况,所以上星期都没放新的Podcast,请大家原谅。 今天介绍的新闻,跟情杀有关。震惊了中港台,甚至连纽约时报也报道的新闻。这则新闻因为跟谋杀有关,所以如果害怕暴力、血腥的内容,请不要听。   [00:00] introduction [04:08] explanation [15:46] discussion    Please feel free to contact me. 📫Email me( [email protected]) 📺Find me on youtube (for transcripts)   📝Find me on Instagram (for vocabulary cards and QA)    👩‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on italki (with this link)   👨‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on Preply(with this link)  來源/来源: 香港名媛蔡天鳳遭狠心前夫家肢解 大腿肉被削至見骨 | 名媛蔡天鳳遇害 | 兩岸 | 聯合新聞網 (udn.com)

Om Podcasten

大家好,我是宇哲老師。一位專門進行中文網路教學的老師,很高興能跟大家在這裡見面。 Hello everyone, I am your professional teacher Yu zhe, I am glad to meet you guys here. 在這個Podcast中,我每次分享三則新聞,每次從一段新聞中,學一些生詞、語法、或者新的知識。 In this podcast program, three news will be introduced in each episode, and we can learn some vocabulary, grammar, or some new knowledge from it. 歡迎大家收聽,每天用一點點時間,學一點、進步一點,,也歡迎大家跟我分享你的建議。 目前預計每兩個星期會上架。 Welcome everyone listen to my channel and use a little time to learn Chinese, to improve yourself little by little, and please share your opinions or thoughts with me! Published on every two weeks.