#58 拿日韩开刀 中国停发签证

News with Zhe - A podcast by Learn with Zhe


✈️Where do you want to go for the Chinese New Year holiday which is just around the corner? Do you want to visit China? Many Chinese tourists are now traveling abroad, but this appears to have caused some controversy. Today we will look at these conflicts. In the discussion section, the background of the news will also be introduced. Why is China acting in this manner?    ✈️接下來是中國新年假期,你想去哪裡玩?想不想去中國旅遊呢?現在中國也有很多遊客要去國外旅遊,但是好像造成一些爭議,今天就要來看看這些爭議。在討論部分也會介紹新聞的背景,為什麼中國要這麼做呢?  ✈️接下来是中国新年假期,你想去哪里玩?想不想去中国旅游呢?现在中国也有很多游客要去国外旅游,但是好像造成一些争议,今天就要来看看这些争议。在讨论部分也会介绍新闻的背景,为什么中国要这么做呢?    [00:00] introduction [02:32] explanation [10:33] discussion    Please don't hesitate to contact me. 📫Email me( [email protected]) 📺Find me on youtube (for transcripts)   📝Find me on Instagram (for vocabulary cards and QA)    👩‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on italki (with this link)   👨‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on Preply(with this link)  來源/来源:拿日韓開刀 中國暫停簽發2國公民赴華簽證 | 德國之聲 來自德國 介紹德國 | DW | 11.01.2023