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He always liked reading the comics and the horoscope in The News. 就某些方面而言,肯尼.霍斯帕堪稱每日新聞報的典型讀者。他是紐約市皇后區的一個建築工人,這一生大多數時間都住在這個城市。他一向愛看該報的漫畫和星座運勢。 How long since he last bought a copy of the paper? Hospot laughed. “I would say like 15 years.” 他上一次買這份報紙是多久之前?霍斯帕笑了,「我看大概有15年了吧。」 Kamel Brown is another archetypal customer for New York’s Hometown Newspaper, as The Daily News styles itself. He’s a maintenance worker for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. He’s 55 years old. He grew up buying the paper for his grandmother in Brooklyn. “When she was finished reading it, I’d pick it up, flip back and start with the sports,” Brown said. 對於自我定位為紐約家鄉報紙的每日新聞報,凱默.布朗是另一種典型讀者。他是都市交通局的維修工人,55歲。他在布魯克林區的成長過程中,常幫祖母買這份報紙。布朗說:「她看完後,我會拿過來,翻回去,從運動版開始看。」 He doesn’t remember the last time he bought it. When he paged through a copy at a friend’s home this past week, he was unimpressed. 他不記得上次買這份報紙是何時。過去這一周的某日他在友人家翻閱一分報紙時,很無感。 Tristan Dominguez, on the other hand, is still a big Daily News fan. “It’s the only place you see anything local,” Dominguez said at a bodega in Washington Heights, where a stack of papers sat behind the counter. 另一方面,崔斯坦.多明奎茲仍是新聞報的大粉絲。「這是你唯一能看到在地新聞的地方。」多明奎茲在華盛頓高地的一家雜貨店內說,櫃檯後方有一大疊報紙。 He reads the paper mostly online and through Twitter. 他大多數是上網或透過推特看這份報紙。 All of this helps explain why there was an air of inevitability about the news Monday that the organization was laying off half its editorial staff. 這些例子亦可說明,當這家報社決定資遣編輯部一半員工的消息周一(7月23日)傳出時,為何外界會覺得此事似難避免。 Once upon a time, The Daily News sold more than 2 million papers a day. Now its circulation is only about a tenth of that, and the paper’s non-hometown owner, the Chicago-based media company Tronc, which bought the paper in 2017, does not have the patience for non-profitability that the prior owner, Mort Zuckerman, did. 每日新聞報曾經一天賣出200萬分以上,現在發行量大約只剩十分之一。這家報社的非在地老闆、芝加哥的媒體公司Tronc,2017年買下每日新聞報,對於它未能獲利,並沒有前任老闆莫特.札克曼那般的耐性。 At a cultural moment when the very idea of New York City as a hometown is quickly dissolving, and when most people get their news from some sort of glowing screen, the thirst for local ink is not what it used to be. 在當下這個文化時刻,將紐約市當作家鄉的想法正在快速瓦解,而且大多數人是從某種閃爍的螢幕獲得新聞,對於在地新聞文字報導的渴求已不如以往。 And those who do crave hard-hitting coverage that holds officials accountable for the state of the city were not pleased to hear about the layoffs. 對於那些渴望看到逼官員為城市現況負起責任的強烈抨擊報導的人,聽到前述資遣消息並非樂事。 “You need those old-school people because they know what they’re doing,” Rosanne Nunziata, a manager at the New Apollo Diner in downtown Brooklyn, said of The Daily News’ staff of veteran shoe-leather reporters, many of whom are now pounding the pavement in search of employment. “They know how to sneak in and get their stories, and know how to get witnesses to talk and do their thing.” 布魯克林鬧區「新阿波羅餐館」經理羅珊娜.努齊亞塔說:「你需要這些老派人士,因為他們知道自己在做什麼。」她指的是新聞報本分且資深的記者,這些人中有不少正在路上奔走著找工作。「他們知道如何潛入並取得新聞,也知道如何讓目擊者開口,做好他們的工作。」 The New York Post, The Daily News’ longtime rival for tabloid dominance, has seen its circulation plummet, too. Rupert Murdoch, whose News Corp. owns The Post, has long tolerated the paper’s unprofitability, but there may come a time when his successors have far less stomach for red ink. 每日新聞報的長期對手,爭奪八卦小報霸主地位的紐約郵報,發行量也持續大跌。擁有紐約郵報的新聞集團老闆魯柏.梅鐸,長期容忍這家報紙未能獲利。但是也許有一天,他的接班人對赤字的容忍度會小得多。 Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/330084/web/ Next Article Topic: Dumplings tempt New Yorkers with pizza, peanut butter flavors - and no human contact New Yorkers can now get their dumpling fix from an automat with no human contact, and the adventurous can order flavors ranging from pepperoni pizza to peanut butter and jelly. 紐約客現在可由一套不需要與人接觸的自動販賣機為他們料理餃子,喜歡嘗試新鮮的人可從義式臘腸披薩到花生醬、果醬等口味中選購。 While the Brooklyn Dumpling Shop in the city’s East Village offers traditional pork and chicken bite-sized treats, chicken parm or Philly cheesesteak are also on the menu. 位於這座城市東村的布魯克林餃子店,提供一口大小的傳統豬肉、雞肉餡點心,菜單上也有焗烤雞肉,或是費城牛肉起司三明治。 Spurred by the pandemic and technology advances, the Brooklyn Dumpling Shop is delivering food via automat 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 在這場疫情以及科技進步的帶動下,布魯克林餃子店正透過自動販賣機,全年無休24小時出餐。 "Embrace technology, because technology is something that has to be embraced by hospitality(business)to thrive," said the shop’s owner Stratis Morfogen. 「擁抱科技,因為餐旅(業)要蒸蒸日上,就得擁抱科技」,店老闆史特拉狄斯.摩佛根說。 Next Article Topic: New York lawmakers pass bill allowing gender-neutral "X" option in govt documents 紐約州議員通過法案 允許政府文件中可選擇中立性別「X」 The New York state assembly has passed a bill that would allow people who do not identify as either male or female to use "X" as a marker to designate their sex on drivers’ licenses. 紐約州議會通過一項法案,允許認為自己既不是男性也不是女性的民眾,在駕照上標記其性別為X。 The new marker would help transgender, nonbinary and intersex individuals’ identity be recognized in government documents, according to a statement from Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Assembly member Daniel O’Donnell. 根據州眾議院議長希斯堤和州眾議員歐唐納發出的聲明,這項新註記會有助於跨性別、非二元性別和雙性人的性別認同,獲得政府文件承認。 "The provisions in this bill will make life safer, reduce the stigma and affirm the identities for so many of our friends and neighbors," O’Donnell said in the statement. 歐唐納在聲明中說,「這項法案中的該項條文,將讓人生活更安全,減少污名,並且確認我們廣大鄉親朋友的身分認同。」 Next Article Topic: Looking Back on 100 Years of New York City Drinking Culture, From Gritty to Elegant The history of drinking in America goes straight through the heart of New York. As with so many aspects of the city, that history has run from gritty to stylish and back again. 美國的飲酒歷史直接穿越紐約的心臟,就像這座城市的許多方面一樣,這段歷史經歷了從粗獷到風雅,再回到當初的過程。 For generations, taverns and saloons were largely places for men to gather, drink, gamble and chew tobacco. Those places could be discerning, as with Fraunces Tavern, a still-existent bar patronized in the 18th century by the likes of George Washington and his soldiers, or more suited to the average Joe, like McSorley’s Old Ale House, which opened in the mid-19th century and, until 1970, admitted only men. 數世代以來,酒館和酒吧大多是男人聚集、喝酒、賭博與嚼菸草的地方。這些地方可能是比較有品味的,像是18世紀喬治華盛頓和他旗下軍人經常光顧、至今依然存在的弗朗西斯酒館,也可能是更適合一般人的,像是19世紀中葉開業,且在1970年前只接待男性的麥克索利酒吧。 By the time McSorley’s had opened, many American bartenders had made a a of inventing what we now think of as craft cocktails. The atmosphere at these locales was often hostile and crude.Prohibition changed all that. The idea of bars as hospitable, welcoming spaces gained traction when liquor sales became illegal. 當麥克索利開業時,許多美國酒保已具備發明現今所謂精調雞尾酒的專長。這些地方的氣氛常常是不友善而且粗魯的。 With the advent of speak-easies, owners and bartenders suddenly had a new clientele: women. The social appeal of speak-easies pulled them into new and vibrant communal spaces. Alongside the new customers came bar stools, live jazz and a new breed of cocktails. 禁酒令改變了這一切。當賣酒變成非法時,酒吧是個好客、歡迎人的場所的想法才流行起來。隨著地下酒吧的出現,業主和酒保突然有了一個新的客群:婦女。地下酒吧的社會吸引力將她們拉進新的、充滿活力的公共空間。除了新客群,還出現了酒吧高腳凳、現場爵士樂與新一代雞尾酒。 Despite the end of Prohibition in 1933, these changes to New York’s drinking culture endured, opening up the cocktail scene to a broader audience. 禁酒令雖於1933年廢止,紐約飲酒文化的這些變化卻持續了下來,將雞尾酒的舞台向更廣泛的觀眾開放。 By the 1960s and into the ‘80s and ‘90s, bar culture in New York had become as varied and textured as the city itself. Cocktail bars got yet another revival at the Rainbow Room, where Dale DeGroff took over the drinks program. In the Village, the Stonewall Inn and others became centers for gay culture, while uptown venues like the Shark Bar attracted a mostly African-American clientele. 到了1960年代並進入1980和1990年代,紐約的酒吧文化已變得跟城市本身一樣多采多姿。 雞尾酒酒吧在戴爾.第格洛夫接管酒單的彩虹廳又迎來一次流行。在紐約格林威治村,石牆酒吧等處所成了同性戀文化的中心,而鯊魚酒吧等曼哈頓上城場所則吸引了以非洲裔美國人為主的客群。 Today, despite an unfortunate turnover rate, modern New York cocktail bars are doing their best to foster a sense of community and hospitality. 現今,儘管翻桌率很低,但現代的紐約雞尾酒酒吧正盡最大努力營造一種社群意識和好客氣氛。 It’s this spirit that an editorial writer for The Brooklyn Eagle captured in an 1885 column (quoted by David Wondrich in his book “Imbibe”). “The modern American,” the paper observed, “looks for civility and he declines to go where rowdy instincts are rampant.” 這正是《布魯克林鷹報》一位主筆1885年在專欄中提到的精神(大衛·旺德里奇在所著《飲酒》一書中引用了這段文字)。該報評論道:「現代美國人追求文明有禮,他拒絕去那些粗暴本能猖獗的地方。」 But American bars are not by definition civil. Luckily, it’s as easy to find your watering hole fit today as it was a century ago. 但從定義上說,美國酒吧並非文明的。幸運的是,今天很容易找到適合你的酒吧,跟一個世紀前一樣。Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/335069/web/