國際時事跟讀 Ep.K811:印度面臨致命熱浪:逾百人喪生,數千人受影響 India Grapples with Deadly Heat Wave: Over 100 Lives Lost and Thousands Affected
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The scorching summer heat in India has taken a devastating toll on its population, claiming more than 100 lives and affecting tens of thousands of people over the past three and a half months. According to data from India's Health Ministry, 110 people have died from heat strokes between March 1 and June 18, with the northern state of Uttar Pradesh reporting the highest number of casualties at 36. The extreme weather has also led to over 40,000 suspected cases of heat stroke during this period, highlighting the severe impact of the prolonged heat wave on public health. 印度酷暑天氣對其人口造成了嚴重的影響,在過去三個半月內奪走了超過一百條生命,並影響了數萬人。根據印度衛生與家庭福利部的數據,從三月一日至六月十八日期間,共有一百一十人死於中暑,其中北方邦報告的死亡人數最高,達三十六人。這段期間,極端天氣還導致超過四萬例疑似中暑病例,凸顯了長期熱浪對公共衛生的嚴重影響。 The capital city of New Delhi has been particularly hard-hit by the extreme temperatures, with some areas reporting temperatures as high as 51°C (123.8°F). This unprecedented heat has not only caused discomfort but has also led to a surge in electricity demand, resulting in frequent power cuts across the city. The situation is further complicated by a severe water crisis, putting additional strain on the city's resources. In response to the crisis, Health Minister J P Nadda has directed authorities to set up special heat wave units in government hospitals to assist those affected by the extreme weather. 首都新德里受到極端高溫的衝擊尤其嚴重,部分地區報告的溫度高達攝氏五十一度(華氏一百二十三點八度)。這前所未有的高溫不僅造成不適,還導致用電需求激增,引發全市頻繁停電。情況因嚴重缺水危機而更加複雜,給城市資源帶來額外壓力。為應對危機,衛生部長JP納達已指示當局在政府醫院設立特別熱浪應對單位,以協助受極端天氣影響的民眾。 While India is no stranger to hot summers, climate experts warn that the intensity and frequency of heat waves in South Asia are increasing due to climate change. A study by the World Weather Attribution agency found that climate change has made extreme heat events in parts of Asia at least 45 times more likely. This year's heat wave, which has persisted for over three weeks, is considered one of the longest continuous heat spells the country has ever experienced. The Indian government estimates that nearly 11,000 people have died in heat waves this century, though experts believe this figure may be significantly underestimated due to inadequate systems for documenting heat-related illnesses and deaths. 儘管印度對炎熱的夏季並不陌生,但氣候專家警告,由於氣候變遷,南亞地區熱浪的強度和頻率正在增加。世界天氣歸因組織的一項研究發現,氣候變遷使亞洲部分地區出現極端高溫事件的可能性至少增加了四十五倍。今年的熱浪持續超過三週,被認為是該國有史以來經歷過的最長連續熱浪之一。印度政府估計,本世紀已有近一萬一千人死於熱浪,但專家認為,由於缺乏適當的系統來記錄與熱有關的疾病和死亡,這個數字可能被嚴重低估。 As the world's most populous country and one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, India faces significant challenges in adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change. A report by the Centre for Science and Environment in New Delhi found that India experienced extreme weather on nearly 90% of the days last year, underscoring the urgent need for comprehensive climate action. As temperatures continue to rise globally, it is clear that addressing the impacts of extreme heat will be crucial for protecting public health and ensuring the well-being of India's 1.4 billion citizens. 作為世界上人口最多的國家和溫室氣體排放大國之一,印度在適應和減緩氣候變遷影響方面面臨重大挑戰。新德里科學與環境中心的一份報告發現,去年印度近九成的日子都經歷了極端天氣,凸顯了採取全面氣候行動的迫切需求。隨著全球氣溫持續上升,顯然,應對極端高溫的影響對於保護公共衛生和確保印度十四億人口的福祉至關重要。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Devastating (Dev-as-tat-ing): The scorching summer heat in India has taken a devastating toll on its population, claiming more than 100 lives and affecting tens of thousands of people over the past three and a half months.Casualties (Cas-u-al-ties): According to data from India's Health Ministry, 110 people have died from heat strokes between March 1 and June 18, with the northern state of Uttar Pradesh reporting the highest number of casualties at 36.Unprecedented (Un-prec-e-dent-ed): This unprecedented heat has not only caused discomfort but has also led to a surge in electricity demand, resulting in frequent power cuts across the city.Underestimated (Un-der-es-ti-ma-ted): The Indian government estimates that nearly 11,000 people have died in heat waves this century, though experts believe this figure may be significantly underestimated due to inadequate systems for documenting heat-related illnesses and deaths.Mitigating (Mit-i-gat-ing): As the world's most populous country and one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, India faces significant challenges in adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change. Reference article: https://apnews.com/article/india-heatwave-deaths-heat-stroke-climate-change-880f26e3b8eeb066d2db2308502783d2#