New and trendy week 16 - 2024 -!

This week`s new and trendy podcasts is ready

De Jongen Zonder Gisteren

Vijfdelige podcastserie over Jur Deitmers, de jongen die wakker werd zonder geheugen.Het is maart 2017 als de 21-jarige Jur aan Harvard studeert en zijn geheugen door een hersenontsteking wordt gewist. Hij ontwaakt in een vreemde wereld. Weet zijn naam niet meer, weet niet wie zijn moeder is, iedereen is een vreemde. Het enige wat hij nog kan is praten en pianospelen. Verder is 21 jaar leven uitgewist.Podcastmaker Josephine van der Erve, journalist bij WNL en studie-vriendin van Jur, gaat in deze podcast samen met Jur op zoek naar antwoorden op de grote vragen. Hoe begint hij met leven? Vindt Jur zijn oude zelf weer terug? Hoe ontwikkelt je identiteit zich als je opnieuw begint? En wie ben je eigenlijk?

Number of episodes: 4

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Face-Off: The U.S. vs China

FACE-OFF is an eight-episode podcast about how China and the United States, once friends, are now foes. FACE-OFF is hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jane Perlez, former New York Times Beijing bureau chief and current fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center. In each episode Professor Rana Mitter, recently of the University of Oxford and now professor of modern China at the Harvard Kennedy School, chats with Jane on what’s at stake.

Number of episodes: 4

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And Colossally That's History!

And Colossally That’s History! (the name a reference to a famous line of Murray Walker commentary) is the podcast that takes an unadulterated look at the earth-shattering events, epic sagas and huge characters that have shaped motor racing history. From Grand Prix racing as a tool of the Nazi war machine to how Ayrton Senna’s death shaped modern F1, hosts Matt Bishop and Richard Williams will discuss and dissect these topics as only they can, bringing new insight and fresh perspectives that help explain how motor racing moved from niche past-time to the multi-billion-dollar sporting spectacle of today. 

Number of episodes: 4

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Micsoda nagymeNŐK voltak

Számtalan nő van, aki megérdemli, hogy úgy meséljünk róluk, ahogyan eddig sosem. És számtalan nő van, akiről eddig nem beszéltünk, pedig nagyon is méltó rá. Budai Lotti és Zubor Rozi női sorsokat bemutató podcastjában minden olyan nő helyet kap, aki mert más lenni, és akinek a ma női és a holnap lányai hálásak lehetnek.

Number of episodes: 3

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The Rise and Fall of Ruby Franke

Ruby Franke, a Utah mom turned YouTube “momfluencer” who amassed 2.6 million subscribers, was known for her strict disciplinarian parenting style. But authorities now say that her "tough love" was actually child abuse. Ruby Franke's son escaped from the Utah home of her self-help business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt. The boy was reportedly starved and tied up with duct tape along with his 10 year old sister. As law enforcement dug deeper, they uncovered injuries, torture, and emotional harm inflicted by both Franke and Hildebrandt. Law&Crime takes you behind the scenes, from Ruby and Jodi's path to internet stardom, to the investigation that brought them down.You can listen to all episodes of The Rise and Fall of Ruby Franke exclusively and ad-free on Wondery+. Find Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Start Your free trial by visiting now.  

Number of episodes: 2

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Parasite : le podcast ciné

Sacha Béhar passe en revue l'actualité cinéma entouré de trois acolytes : Antoine E. (L'Humanité), Bozan G. (Première) et Louis P. (La Croix).N'hésitez pas à nous suivre sur Instagram :

Number of episodes: 2

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Football, Music and Me

Football, Music and Me sees sports broadcasting legend Geoff Shreeves sitting down for intimate conversations with the biggest heroes from the world of football and music as they explore how their two great passions intertwine. Renowned for his extensive insight and in-depth interviews, Geoff explores the profound importance and impact of both the beautiful game and music on all of our lives.

Number of episodes: 4

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The 3AM Club with Caitlin & Leah

Welcome to The 3AM Club podcast!Join Caitlin and Leah as they peel back the curtain on life beyond TikTok fame, offering an exclusive backstage pass to their rollercoaster journey as parents. From relationship insights to balancing nappies and date nights, they spill all the tea. With two under two, expect tales of toddler tantrums and toilet training.Come with us as we navigate the ups and downs, sharing sleepless nights, epic fails, and maybe picking up a few tips along the way. It's unfiltered chat about the realities of parenting because, let's face it, we're all just winging it!

Number of episodes: 4

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Inter Miami’s Julian Gressel is a 2x MLS Cup winning player and Zealand Shannon is the #1 Football Manager content creator in the world. Like the great Player-Managers of the past: Kenny Dalglish, Ruud Guillt or Pete Rose - Julian & Zealand are both dual-threat playmakers inside and outside the lines. PLAYER / MANAGER is podcast about what it’s really like to play with Messi & co. at Inter Miami, MLS and soccer in North America and beyond.Follow: Julian Zealand: Producer - Michael Milberger

Number of episodes: 5

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Hatoppgjør er en fotballpodkast som ikke først og fremst handler om spillet i seg selv, men om alt det rundt. Om hvordan fotball noen ganger nærmest kan være et speil på samfunnet. Lidenskapen supportere har for laget sitt er ofte bygget på ting som stikker mye dypere enn idrett, og rivalisering mellom klubber kan handle om alt fra fascisme og Mussolini, protestanter mot katolikker, eller om streikebryting på 1900-tallet. Opptøyene som oppstår når det er dette det spilles om på banen, kan føre til både hærverk og bombetrusler, grov vold og drap. I denne podkasten får du høre historiene om hva som faktisk ligger bak noen av verdens mest intense fotball-derbyer.

Number of episodes: 2

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By - Published 2024-04-19

Updated 2024-04-19